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Thuật ngữ: FIT (Free Independent Traveler)

Trong ngành công nghiệp du lịch, thuật ngữ viết tắt F.I.T (Free Independent Traveler), được sử dụng để tham khảo một du khách hay một nhóm nhỏ (lên đến 9), trái ngược với lớn, các nhóm tổ chức.


In the travel industry, the term Free Independent Traveler (or Tourist), abbreviated FIT, is used to refer to a single traveler or a small group (up to 9), in contrast to large, organized groups.

There are two implications to the idea of the Free Independent Traveler. One is important in the context of a marketing niche with a distinct economic behavior whilst the other concentrates more on the philosophy of travel. This distinction can be summarised in how they are described. For the economic importance of tourism and for marketing purposes they are Free Independent Travelers (Upper case as they are an identifiable group within the market) whilst the people themselves are perhaps more attracted to the possibilities and lack of limitations in the concept of being a free, independent traveler.

The Internet is fundamental to the rise of the FIT offering them the suggestions, for example, of a good meal out in Rome from a fellow FIT, across the globe, who ate there last week. The FIT uses a wide range of computer software and social networking sites to contact other people.

Free Independent Travelers as an Economic Phenomenon Here they are an important and growing sector in the market. Governments, regional tourist boards[1]and other public sectors responsible for tourism development try to attract them. Why? The basic principle is economics. FITs spread their money around. Fifteen FITs will eat, sleep, snack, take a coffee, go to theatres/art shows/opera festivals/football games/rural villages in fifteen different locations and introduce their money in hundreds of different channels. Contrast this with a group tour of another 15 people run by Tour Operator 1 based in and delivering share-holder profit to Country A. Their tour to Country B is less efficient from an economic development point of view as the Tour Operator controls so many of the components in the chain.

The growth of internet-based businesses for the Free Independent Travelers Many internet-based businesses selling self catering accommodation in Mauritius have developed to help redress the imbalance in official policy and provision by specializing in advertising self-catering accommodation. They consist of individual accommodation providers with their own websites and agencies offering a wider range of properties for rent.